Those intending to participate in any field visit must take note of the following comments in addition to those relating to a specific field trip.
Whilst there is normally no requirement to book, it is helpful to know in advance who will be attending so that an adequate number of handouts can be prepared. Also, handouts are often available beforehand and can be sent to those interested. Please contact the Secretary. The LGA makes no charge to members for attending field visits but occasionally a third party may require one. Where relevant, this is noted.
Apart from an event which forms part of the programme for another organisation visitors are required to become temporary members for the duration of the Field Meeting. Their subscription/day fee is £2 each.
You are responsible for your own safety and should have regard to that of others. You must follow the leader’s instructions at all times. All members must sign the Attendance Register and provide a telephone number of who is to be contacted in case of an accident.
Please share cars where possible as parking at some venues may be restricted – the programme indicates where this is particularly important. If you need a lift, please Secretary who will try to help.
Safety is taken very seriously. Apart from the usual risks associated with walking in a group over often difficult, rough, uneven, muddy and slippery terrain when out in the country or on the seashore, there are those associated with examining geological features which are frequently sited in exposed or awkward locations. You should observe the Geologist Association Fieldwork Code and seek the leader’s permission before using a hammer (safety goggles must be worn). You must inform the leader if you leave early. Some meetings may be physically demanding. If you are unsure about your ability to participate, please let Judith or the leader know. Neither the leader nor the organisers are able to provide first aid.
Please wear clothing suitable for the weather expected on the day e.g. waterproofs if wet and sun protection if hot and sunny. Walking boots with a good grip are usually required. You should be prepared for a change in the weather and adverse ground conditions. Most, if not all of the day will be spent outside so bring a packed lunch with liquid unless otherwise indicated. Hard hats and high visibility jackets are not usually required unless specified. Otherwise bring normal field gear such as lens, specimen bags etc. Binoculars are always useful.
The leader has the right to refuse to lead any intended participant.
The LGA has a Public Liability Insurance Policy which covers claims by:
The Policy also covers claims for damage to property caused by leaders and members. The personal accident insurance cover for members is extremely limited and you may wish to take out your own policy to cover you in case of an accident.