Roundhay Park Geology Trail – 17 July
Field visit leader - Bill Fraser, LGA. Two visits, Sunday am and pm.
Field visit leader - Bill Fraser, LGA. Two visits, Sunday am and pm.
Field visit leader - Michael Wood, LGA.
Field visit leader - Bill Fraser, LGA.
Recent Sea level Change Dr Graham Rush, Research Fellow, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds During deglaciations melting ice sheets cause a global mean sea-level rise. However, sea-level rise is not even across the oceans. Some regions experience a greater than average...
Field visit leader - Alison Tymon, West Yorkshire Geology Trust.
Volcan Fuego de Colima (Mexico): Volcanological, petrological & geochemical monitoring of the most active volcano in North America. Dr.Ivan Savov, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. The aim of my talk will be to introduce the geology and volcanology of young (Holocene) lavas...
The 2022 LGA AGM is due to take place on 8th December. Please note there is also a Special General Meeting taking place in order to consider proposed amendments to the existing Rules with a view to modifying those Rules which affect the management of...
Presentations from final year students of the Leeds University, School of Earth and Environment. Speakers: students, TBC.
Extinction and recovery during the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) with data from the Cleveland Basin. Speaker: Prof. Cris Little, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds.
Interacting Palaeocene volcanism and sedimentation on the islands of Canna and Sanday, Inner Hebrides, NW Scotland. Speaker: Dr Ian Williamson, Independent researcher.
Purpose: To examine sedimentary rocks and structures in the Carboniferous age rocks of the Bowland sub-Basin (part of the more extensive, Craven Basin) The rocks vary with shales, mudstone, siltstones, limestones and sandstone belonging to the Craven and Millstone Grit Groups all being exposed. Fossils...
Details TBC.